Fundamentals of coding: Git and GitHub

The benefits and reasons to use them

November 15, 2015

What are the benefits of version control?

Version control will let you save your changed data points when working in group projects of coding. It is sort of like checkpoints when you're playing games. It will let you go back where you want if you mess up the current versions. Also, it will let you start from the checkpoint that you desire.

How does git help you keep track of changes?

Git helps me keep track of changes by 'commit'. Commit is sort of like the saved point or the actual 'checkpoint' of the games. It will keep a log of the changes, including the person and email of the editor and more. Git can also help keep track by its branches. Branches can be thought of as different version the person worked on. It is the edited version of the original project. So if one messes up the current version, one can go back to its old branch and start from there.

Why use GitHub to store your code?

GitHub is an open source version control website which lets everyone have access to your code and allow their comments or changes be on it. It allows collaborative works to be done individually within the group project. It will let you work on projects with your peers or co-workers and have simulatenous changes on it without interfering with one another.